
Overnight Open Thread

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/24/2011 9:05:05 pm PDT

re: #298 Jimmah

Yeah Jimmah…

Your relativism and refusal to look at reality is repulsive.

Only one side routinely murders women and children and blows them up indiscriminately (the other risks the lives of its soldiers and civilians alike to prevent casualties). One side routinely butchers gay people (the other gives them asylum). One side had 100% adult literacy and lives in the 21st century, the other is medieval. One side receives more aid per capita than any other group on the planet and still manages to destroy and befoul pretty much any industry or infrastructure given them ( the other supplies food, water and power for a sworn enemy).

Care to deny the truth here?

Give it a go

One side has huge movements dedicated to peace - to the extent of giving up claims to the holiest site in the entire culture. The Palis voted for Hamas in record numbers. Hamas ran on a we kill more Jews campaign. They voted for war.

Care to deny the truth here?

Give it a go.

I do not tolerate magical thinking from the left either.