
A Powerful Statement From Malika Tirolien: "RISE"

weststpaulbear10/11/2020 8:31:10 am PDT

re: #297 A Mom Anon

I’ve been a mess. At first I figured we’d get some control over this rather quickly. And then the assholes started their lying shit and the cases and deaths began rising. Since May, I have been unable to eat much or sleep. I’ve lost 40 lbs. My hair is falling out, I cry every day at least once and my patience is shot. The sadness is overwhelming sometimes. I have lost interest in things I once loved to do. I’m trying not to let this hurt so much, but I think this pandemic has been so horribly handled by the White House magnified a lot of anxiety, hurt, anger and so much more. They are willfully trying to hurt us, to kill as many of us as possible in the time they have left.

The WaPo had a story about a month ago giving a name that doctors have coined to describe some of your feelings: Coronasomnia

I haven’t been able to sleep for shit since April, and there’s always residual feelings of dread. It’s not how I wanted to go into retirement.