
Overnight Open Thread

Spare O'Lake8/05/2010 9:22:05 am PDT

re: #311 lawhawk

Interesting is Nancy Nee’s take, which spouts the talking points quite well - but which is factually wrong:

She’s upset about the size, which isn’t going to tower over any buildings between it and Ground Zero. It’s size is comparable to the rest of the north side of Park Place. 100 Church is across the street, and it ranges in height from 15-20 stories tall. 90 Church is even more massive than that. Last time I checked, 15-20 is taller than 13. Also, the attacks were 9/11/2001, so her brother died 9 years ago this September (fact check with the report in issue?)

In her mind it will tower over every other building in Manhattan, and would do so even if it was built under ground. This is the reality of how many people feel, because of what it symbolizes to them. As Abe Foxman correctly pointed out, the mosque project as constituted will not assist folks like Nancy in her healing process.