
Right Wing Journalism Watch: Breitbart "News" Photoshops Nancy Pelosi's Head on Miley Cyrus

Justanotherhuman4/07/2014 5:18:06 pm PDT

re: #300 GeneJockey

You know, we don’t pay actors to be smart, or to know anything other than how to do a real good job convincing us they’re somebody else. This is why I can’t get all worked up over a Conservative actor saying something stupid, or a Liberal actor saying something smart.

I imagine Kate Mulgrew has not had a lot of gigs since ‘Voyager’ that paid as much or gave her that kind of exposure. And it’s not like Leonard Nimoy didn’t do cheesy voiceover work…

It’s as though the older she gets (she’s 58 now), the more conservative she became. And go figure, she’s married to an OH Dem named Tim Hagan who describes himself as an avowed liberal and long time friend of the Kennedy clan.

It probably didn’t help that she’s probably suffering a lot of Catholic guilt, as well, over a child she had as a young woman and gave up for adoption. I think I read that she met her about 2 yrs ago. Some people simply cannot move on from those things and keep them bottled up inside forever, gnawing away.