
Overnight Open Thread

Pianobuff6/22/2009 6:04:50 am PDT

re: #308 iceweasel

The MSM won’t have to look to libs for spin. Enough conservatives have praised Obama’s approach, including George Will, Henry Kissinger, and Peggy Noonan, all just in the last couple of days.

/Mind you, I’m not endorsing any of those 3, just pointing out that there are these conservative voices out there that the MSM will highlight.

//And I want to shortcircuit the debate about whether any of those are ‘real’ conservatives. All that matters in terms of spin is that they’ll be given a media platform and advertised as such.

I guess my question is really around what the content of the spin will be from the MSM, not who the messenger is.

What is the story now? Is he being neutral or not? If he got their praise for being neutral before will he get their criticism now since he has reversed course?

That’s what I’m wondering….