
Overnight Open Thread

Cato the Elder1/24/2010 9:53:19 am PST


I just finished a little translation that might interest some here.

It’s a succinct two-page guide on how to destroy the life of an artist whom the former East German communists didn’t like. Brought to you by the Stasi. (This is not a form or standard protocol, but something that was tailor-made for this individual.)


1. Measures to prevent and contain enemy political-ideological effectiveness:

a. Guided from operation area:

- e.g. engage suitable journalist for defamation (distorted statements etc. in press and other mass media)
- create conflicts with publishers
- disturbance of communications system (fictional connections, border and customs checks, etc.)
- prevention of entry [to foreign countries]

b. in the GDR

- support contracts so that contract law measures can be initiated (withdrawal of license, etc.)
- manuscript thefts and destruction of technological aids
i. destruction of tape recorders etc. or making them unusable by interfering in ways that cannot be immediately detected
ii. expose films, erase tapes

2. Measures to break up and destabilize friendship and follower circle and his own personality

- fictional advertisements
- introduce disinformation to create contradictions
- cast suspicion on individuals (can also be used against him personally)
- disruption of communications system

i. frequent changes of telephone number
ii. disruption of telephone connection (e.g. when important meetings are being planned)

- arrests (create conditions that could lead to criminal acts) e.g. drunk driving
- organize appearance of “contradictors” at meetings
- constant ideological conflict (in doses, so he begins to doubt himself)
- targeted drafting into the military

3. Measures to create psychological stress

- destruction of his personal self-image through negative influence on his living circumstances, e.g.
i. induce him to abuse alcohol
ii. induce him to engage in sexual debauchery (underage girls)

- destroy existing love relationships
- dishonest medical advice
- damage personal property

i. car
ii. weekend house
iii. boat etc.

- interrupt specific benefits

i. stop royalty checks on legal grounds
ii. terminate garage lease

Sounds a lot like the stuff Nixon plotted against his enemies, come to think of it…