
Overnight Open Thread

318 9:08:12 am PST

re: #317 HoosierHoops

Well back in College a couple of friends invited me to a Buddhist Temple in Napa to check it out one day…So stary eyed boys we visited this Temple that was chock full of Rich Napa Valley people chanting and talking…
I was talked to by these really rich white guys about chanting about getting richer, finer cars, bigger houses.. I was expected something a little bit different with at least real Indians running the Temple…
So I got all self righteousness during the last chant and said stuff like you are chanting for a new car..really? Shhh! No really I’m in a Buddhist temple and you are chanting about making more money..Are you sure about that?
The only time in my life I got booted by the bouncers at a church or Temple in my life…If only they kept the security video feed while I’m getting escorted out yelling you guys really suck..You know it! You suck…
Hell..I was in College..What did I know? But I called BS on a bunch of Napa Snobs that found a religion that thought would match their life style

The Buddhists I know are a bit different - not rich by any means -