
Overnight Open Thread

gmsc2/10/2009 2:23:44 am PST

On November 21, 1980, the famous MGM (now known as Bally’s) Fire began, due to faulty wiring. Due to poor fire codes at the time, none of the casinos on the Strip at the time had sprinklers, and the fire dept. was not equipped with fire trucks and equipment to get up to the top floors.

As a result, 87 people died, and 650 were injured. If you’ve ever heard that smoke inhalation kills more people in a fire than the flames themselves, it was because this fire’s toll was so shocking that it wound up popularizing the fact.

Almost immediately, Las Vegas fire codes were changed, and mandatory upgrades in all the casinos began. The Vegas Fire Dept. were getting newer equipment and trained in newer techniques, as well.

Just 90 days later, on February 10, 1981 (28 years ago today), in the middle of its own fire upgrade, the Las Vegas Hilton caught on fire.

This time, however, it was intentionally set by Hilton busboy Philip Cline on 4 different floors. Initial news reports had actually portrayed him as a hero, telling of him trying to put out fires with a trash can full of water.

Already, because of the improved training, equipment and measure taken in just the previous 90 days, only 8 people died and 198 were injured.

While talking to various Hilton employees who were working that day, the police had used a polygraph during the questioning (records show they all consented). At one point, Philip Cline made a Freudian slip by saying that he grabbed a trash can and filled it with fire. Shortly after that, he broke down.

Further investigation led to more evidence. Philip Cline was found guilty in the courts, and is still serving 8 life sentences in jail, without possibility of parole.