
CPAC Live Video 1

Sharmuta2/26/2009 6:56:58 pm PST

re: #308 FrogMarch

I like that idea. The problem with it is that it involves common sense. The other problem is that most politicians don’t actually know how to run a business. One of the reasons they are politicians - is that they could never make it the private sector. I think we need to add a requirement to office holders: You must run a successful small or medium sized business and actually create a job, a product, or a service, and then pay the taxes involved in doing so.

Our entrenched non-term limited congress will never agree to that.
Too power hungry, too soft, too lobby-pimped.

I think the larger problem is that the electorate is not aware of how government spends. It doesn’t take much to realize a business or even an individual can’t run their own finances the way government runs theirs. It will be easier to convince them of the solution than it will be to convince them of the problem.