
Schwarzenegger to Help Obama

SummerSong3/19/2009 11:17:55 am PDT

re: #318 alegrias

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What an embarassment compared to the McCain boys who serve as Marines & Navy officers.

She’s a media whore like her family and loves “faux” celebrity. McCains are part Californian as granny McCain grew up in Beverly Hills so their social liberalism and Valley Girlisms are real, born of proximity to Hollywood & desire to be cool.

If Meghan McCain were my daughter, I would tell her to shut up and go make an honest living. But her parents probably finance her blog, and subsidize her celebrity lifestyle. Plus if Cindy sold her beer distributorship, perhaps there’s no job selling beer for Meghan McCain at the moment.

Meghan voted for John Kerry in 2004, and her mother Cindy confided to people in 2000 that she voted for Al Gore, despite Cindy and John McCain having campaigned publicly for Governor George Bush.

Disparage Ms. McCain all you like, but don’t paint all Californians with the same brush.