
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

JohninLondon11/27/2009 8:38:37 pm PST

re: #287 Charles

It’s dying the death. It’s not going anywhere. Kaput. Finito. It’s over, Johnnie.


1 You know very well that YOUR VIEW was that it was not an inside release of the files. You stated in comments when people suggested it was a leak. Or did you just accept, repeatedly, that what the UEA was truth just because they said so ?

All the stuff I have seen suggests that it was someone inside, releasing a set of stuff already put into one folder. Do you say this assumption is wrong ?

Whether it will prove illegal is immaterial. (If it was a whistleblower they will be fairly OK in UK law.)

So - after all your time looking at this stuff - are you still sure it was a hack ?

Your view that the whole thing has blown over is obviously wrong. Over here, I have heard it mentioned many times EVEN on the BBC there is lots of press coverage - more than a couple of days ago. The story is migrating from the blogs to the main media. Plus 7 million hits on Google for “ClimateGate”