
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Charles Johnson11/27/2009 8:06:24 pm PST

re: #271 JohninLondon


This is your blog - so you are entitled to post what you want with your own comments. Some disagree with you.

1 At the start of this you said the CRU stuff was a hack, defintely not a leak.

No, I did not say anything like that. I said the university had released a statement calling it a hack. They did.

Do you now accept that it looks more like a leak ? Which in English law would be difficult to be proven as a crime)

No, I don’t. But thanks for confirming the reason why you deniers are so anxious to prove that it’s a leak — because it gets you off the hook for suborning illegal activity.

2 You have been asked MANY times to comment on the Harry-file stuff. Which suggests that the whole coding of the data is a mess, that there were all sorts of unexplained “fudges” of the basic data. Have you ever responded to this ? I THINK NOT .

Try to keep up. I’ve responded to this stupid bogus point several times. It’s in my comments. I don’t feel like repeating myself AGAIN.

3 You predicted that the whole “Climategate” thing would be dead, press coverage was effectively finished. Do you agree you are wrong? Over here the story is on TV, radio, and the newspapers. And there is plenty of new stuff in the US press.

It’s dying the death. It’s not going anywhere. Kaput. Finito. It’s over, Johnnie.