
Buzzfeed: "Obama Loses Cool, Snaps at Staffers" (Not)

Charles Johnson6/07/2013 10:38:08 am PDT

Fox Nation jumps all over this ridiculous story and adds some dishonest distortion of their own: ‘Uhhh…Uh…Uhhh….People!’ Obama at Total Loss for Words When Staff Forgets His Speech - Fox Nation

President Obama strolled out to the podium today in San Jose, CA and was immediately at a loss for words. Not only did the President not have teleprompter, his aides forgot his speech.

“My remarks are not sitting here,” the President declared awkwardly. “I’m uhhh….people….oh goodness….uhhhh…folks are sweating back there right now.”

President Obama, who’s often mocked for an over-reliance on scripts, shifted uncomfortably smiling for several moments buying time. An aide sprinted out with a hard copy of the speech, tripping at one point, adding to the drama.
