
Fact Checking the Fact Checkers

Rightwingconspirator6/22/2011 12:16:13 pm PDT

re: #26 Obdicut

“Angry partisan” is not a meme, it’s a factor that clouds conversations about policy. It’s a factor I sometimes have to cut through here sometimes and elsewhere. I’m just trying to filter that out as much as can be managed. Of course this anger cuts both ways as in Charles citation above “They are all commies”. How helpful is that to discourse? Kind of a conversation killer there.

And changing how medicare money is sent to medical providers is not whats key. The question that’s key IMO is it enough for quality of care and well managed for sustainability? IMO That’s the questions, not checks vs vouchers.

BTW my Dads doctor accepts medicare and Blue cross. Somehow. Is he underpaid my medicare? I have no idea. But we know medicare is gonna crash out for lack of funds at some point. Despite a lifetime of paying in.