
GOP Rep. Dreier: Massive Brain Tumor? Tough Luck for You

Charles Johnson7/11/2012 11:52:16 am PDT

“May” from the pro-fascist hate blog Gates of Vienna is still suffering a severe case of butthurt. Apparently he spoke to the European Parliament a few days ago and brought up … yours truly.

Gates of Vienna: OIC-Sponsored Fratricide

Most of those who attended that year’s conference will remember the aftermath, when a series of slurs orchestrated by the then-popular blogger Charles Johnson caused so many of us to duck for cover. We were subjected to the same sort of mud-slinging that is even now aimed at us — we were “neo-Nazis”, “fascists”, “haters”, “racists”, “xenophobes”, and on and on and on. You all know the litany.

Mr. Johnson was fed his material — a mixture of disinformation and distortions — by several left-wing groups here in Europe, including the notorious “anti-fascist” outfit Expo in Sweden. Regardless of whether he believed everything he published, he appeared uninterested in fact-checking any of it, provided that it served to damage those Europeans who love their countries and want to preserve their cultures from destruction.

Why, sure. That’s why I renounced Gates of Vienna and their disgusting gang of bigoted fellow travelers — because I hate freedom and Europeans who love their countries!

As for fact-checking — every single claim I ever made about them, and about Geller and Spencer, was carefully fact-checked. They associate with violent bigots and outright neo-Nazis, and I absolutely stand by every word I wrote about them.