
Clint Eastwood's Superbowl Commercial: It's Halftime in America

A Mom Anon2/06/2012 4:16:06 am PST

re: #328 Obdicut

In our household,autism has NEVER been an excuse for bad or inappropriate behavior. Though heaven knows the kid has tried to use that,lol. You have to live in this world and it won’t bend to fit you. You have to bend to fit sometimes.The trick is figuring out how to do that without sacrificing who you are. That’s true for all of us though. I hope PLL learns that Asperger’s is not THE thing that defines him,it’s just one thing. You can’t ignore it,but it’s not the only thing to consider.

I wish there were more services and programs for young adults with autism,there’s alot of early intervention and programs for the little ones,but after elementary school the resources dry up. Some colleges have services for students with autism(Marshall is one,others have sprung up in the past few years). Some states have decent vocational rehab programs,but beyond that,it’s hit or miss.