
The Door Opens (Update: The Door Shuts)

Dante413/30/2010 1:54:05 pm PDT

re: #327 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

I miss the old Codex. Nothing struck fear into the opponent than realizing they were facing a CSM force with more infantry units than his IG force. As it is, my Night Lords are sidelined for the time being.

Currently I own full armies for Space Marines, Space Wolves, Night Lords, Cadian Imperial Guard, and Orks. I’ve got a smattering of Inquisition to add as allies or build a small Inquisitor force around and a few Necron I’m messing around with

Nice. I’m still working on me IG army, but when I get good with it, I think I might go Smurfs. Mantis Warriors, maybe. Then, I will get some Grey Knights.