
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Talking Point Detective4/03/2012 6:55:29 am PDT

re: #334 Obdicut

I have no idea what you mean by ‘ecosystem adaptation’.

Again— what do you mean by adaptability? Our ability to adapt, or the ecosystem’s ability to adapt? Do you mean in terms of how many species will die, or what?

Migration of animals and plants. At a slower rate of change, migration is to a large extent possible. That isn’t to say that migration won’t have an impact - it will, but it is possible. At a higher rate of change, migration can’t happen, and the result will be extinction. So there’s a big difference there on a short-term time frame (on a long time frame there are limits to migration that will result in extinction also). The specific rate of change will significantly impact rates of extinction. And on a 200 year time-scale, the likely impact of short-term natural variability increases greatly, thus introducing a greater “unknown.” Again, none of that is reason to not evaluate impact at the extreme end of sensitivity - but it is relevant to the certainty of predictions.

What’s a ‘region’?

Well, that’s a tough question. I don’t really have an answer.

By saying that the impact will be greater on a regional scale, I’m saying that the degree of impact will vary across the globe as will the amount of harm caused by the degree of change in various regions.

Not sure if there’s another word to use there that would work better, but the issue of regional impact is often discussed w/r/t climate change with essentially that meaning.