
Watch Live as Deluded Liberals Join Hands With Far Right Loons

Rightwingconspirator10/26/2013 10:59:55 am PDT

re: #22 Killgore Trout

What amazes me is how little effort there is to seize the agenda back from the extremists. The Tea Party/Libertarians, the far left unilateral disarmament faction (as shown by the shut down the NSA crowd) the people who think a forestry drone with a heat camera at a wildfire is some threat to privacy… Birthers, truthers, dudebros.

We see this with the budget, the economy, the NSA, the ACA, the Patriot Act. Nothing is getting done. We know the Patriot Act should have been sunsetted as promised. The middle meekly let the extremists & critics take away the terms conservative and liberal alike.