
The Bob & Chez Show: The Hell Organization

BeachDem4/01/2016 11:02:18 am PDT

re: #29 Blind Frog Belly White

Also, don’t bitch about how unfair the Superdelegate system is while trying to use it to your own advantage. Especially if you’re going to be too pure to raise funds to get them elected so you can actually get something done, if YOU’RE elected.

It’s like his campaign is being run by a bunch of overprivileged teenagers.

One of whom helped create the superdelegate thingy.

Ironically, Tad Devine, Sanders’ top adviser, who was instrumental in the creation of the superdelegate process, defended their existance.

“It’s pretty hard to win a nomination in a contested race and almost impossible to win without the superdelegeates,” Devine said in 2008 in an interview on NPR.

If I hear one more time how the superdelegates should go along with how their states voted, I am going to lose it. Superdelegates are NOT allocated by state, so that argument is ridiculous.