
Friday Night Music: Pat Metheny, 'Don't Know Why'

Syrah8/08/2009 2:13:38 am PDT

re: #341 iceweasel

What does this even mean? Are you pushing the idea that the public option, if even offered, will be designed to drastically undercut insurance companies and drive them out of business? Because that isn’t true.

It is true.

How can you expect insurance companies to compete against a government insurance option that is subsidized by the taxpayers?

The government option is a cheat from the first to the last word of the bill. It is not subject to any of the financial constraints that any of the insurance companies have to work with. It is designed to price solvent private insurance so high that only the very wealthy can afford it, leaving everyone else to suffer at the whims of capricious politicians who can see further into the future then the next election and aggressively disinterested bureaucracies to whom you are only a cipher on a spreadsheet and not an actual person.