
Video: Glenn Beck Weeps to Paul Anka

allegro10/15/2009 7:04:18 pm PDT

re: #302 shiplord kirel


was born in 1949. I remember the “good old days.” When young loafers were carted away by the draft, drunks could come home and beat their wives with impunity, rapists got off because “she asked for it,” women in the workplace could either put out or quit when the fat-ass boss leaned on them…

All of that is true and good riddance. But might we also remember that it was also a time of family farms before the advent of Big Ag and hormone/poison laden food, kids playing outside, “be home by dinner”, without the overwhelming every-minute-supervised paranoia. When there was an actual family dinner that didn’t involve fast food, when there was a single TV in the home that everyone watched together with programs shared and talked about rather than everyone to a different computer/TV for whatever…

Just sayin’… there is good and bad in every age. How about we learn from it all, take the best of every age and apply it to make now better than yesterday to be better than today.