
Overnight Open Thread

unproven innocence12/26/2009 9:25:16 am PST

re: #278 suchislife

I’m not sure being offended because you feel someone pissed all over your faith (I’m atheist, I get it everyday!) is the same as being shaken in your convictions.
BTW, I’m very much in favor of free speech. I also like to see religion satirized. I think it’s good for a religious (or any) community to be mocked every now and then. But, one should then be ok with other people mocking your faith right back at you. And that icon doesn’t mock Islam. Spitting on something is not mocking. Pissing on it even less. It’s also no critique.

Islam is a very intolerant supremacist ideology that condones (even mandates) killing at the drop of an insult, or a revision of religious faith.

My introduction to islam was in the form of a telephoned death threat against myself (and my entire family) if I dared to continue dating (or talking to, or otherwise communicating with) a high school classmate (who happened to be christian), without first converting (to islam). That was 45 years ago, 1964.

I don’t hate muslims. If I did, I’d condemn them to islam. No one has a right not to be offended. Mocking the intolerance of islam is appropriate, imho.