
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/03/2012 6:59:58 am PDT

re: #338 Talking Point Detective

Migration of animals and plants. At a slower rate of change, migration is to a large extent possible.

What are you talking about? Just area that the stuff grows/lives shifting around? That really isn’t how it works. Entire ecosystems just don’t creep around based on temperature. There’s a lot more to an ecosystem than just temperature, you know. The changing of the rain patterns, the change to the aquifers, the different soil makeup in the areas they’d ‘migrate’ to— you’re way, way, way oversimplifying that.

By saying that the impact will be greater on a regional scale, I’m saying that the degree of impact will vary across the globe as will the amount of harm caused by the degree of change in various regions.

Well, obviously. But you were talking about the ability to predict on a regional basis. It’s no more possible than predicting on a global basis.