
Poll: Should Steele Step Down?

Ford_Prefect3/13/2009 10:31:36 am PDT

re: #310 godfrey

I think term limits are discussable. The counter-argument is that you need long-timers to provide institutional expertise, memory, and clout. Otherwise, nobody has enough knowledge or clout to get things done. Let’s grant that, but say that the limit should be generously defined: 18 years for the Senate, and 10 years for the House unless one of your terms in the House is in a leadership position, in which case the limit would be 14 years. Would that do it?

It is a starting point. I tend to think 12 years for the Senate, but I can see the argument for 18. I would likely drop the numbers for the House, though. 10 years is 5 election cycles, too many for someone who is going to vote on a basis of getting reelected. I would guess that what would happen, anyway, is that the Representatives will likely run for the Senate seats that are vacated in their states. By your numbers someone could still end up in Washington for 30 years, not counting a Presidential run or cabinet appointment. that is too long in my opinion.