
Overnight Open Thread

Spare O'Lake8/08/2009 6:08:21 am PDT

re: #326 Scion9

There is no assurance that the service will be there by the time I need it. I’m about 3/4 of the way paid up on my social security and I’m 27. I’ll be paying in for another 38 years and I’ll never ever get anywhere near what I paid in back. This healthcare bill isn’t any different. I’ll pay in my entire life and I’ll never get back anything close to what I paid in no matter how sick or unhealthy I am in my old age. So as long as that assurance is there is an if of massive proportions.

Also ‘getting old’ and ‘being a woman’ are not lifestyle choices, so that is taking my position out of context.

You are making some very questionable assumptions about your own health prospects and working life expectancy.
What if you develop a serious illness or you have an accident which leaves you with long-term medical needs?
Young healthy people often mistakenly believe that they are invulnerable.