
Overnight Open Thread

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks3/10/2009 1:41:16 am PDT

re: #336 capitalist piglet

I am wearing my cranky pants, dammit! But yeah, I do get real irritated when folks, especially fellow Americans, want to point the finger of blame at America/Americans for the actions of terrorists. That’s just how I’m wired.

I am not angry with you, and I appreciate that you are looking for accuracy, and I am trying to explain where I am coming from without being a dick about it. If I thought you were a troll, I’d be a dick.

As far as someone being “evil” goes, there are many grades of “good” or “evil”. And I wouldn’t necessarily call someone from the Blame America First crowd, as he did just two days after the attack, as being very “good”.