
Overnight Open Thread

Stonemason8/05/2010 9:44:45 am PDT

re: #331 Varek Raith


because there is no proof that priests abused kids in the EXACT location where you posited building the church, and you said Christian, not Catholic.

The comparison is a stretch. I get it, you are broad brushing, I get it.

I still say let ‘em build it if they can afford #335 Charles

What in the hell does the Park51 community center have to do with Al Qaeda?

Do you folks even realize how you sound when you say these things?

Perceptions are valid, people have differences of opinion. Many see the Islamic terrorists who killed 3000 people that day as, well, Islamic.

Just like it was just pointed out to me that Christians are lumped in with abusing children.

There are valid, personal reasons for some to not want this thing built, and there are bigoted reasons.

My personal feeling is that the center should be built if the owners have the money, but I understand that some people are not going to like it, and rather than call them all bigots, I try to understand why.