
FBI Searches Office of Obama's Chief Technology Officer

razorbacker3/12/2009 9:57:12 am PDT

re: #91 Sharmuta

I wouldn’t either, but I still can’t figure out why she took the SoS job. An agreed upon arrangement for a later promotion seems possible.

I think that it was another resume enhancement. I mean, other than being able to put up with Bill she actually had no other accomplishment to tout.

Even that NY senatorship would likely have been more difficult had Bill not pardoned the Puerto Rician terrorists for her.

But now it goes 1. First Lady of Arkansas 2. First Lady of America 3. NY Senator 4. Sec. o’ State 5. potential VP 6. POTUS

Why not? How well we remember the many and varied legislative accomplishments in her career. There was…uh…errm…well, anyway, it’s about time we had a female President, don’t you think?