
Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose GOP's Windfall for the Rich

NamDoc6712/03/2010 3:10:02 pm PST

re: #168 LudwigVanQuixote

Because you know, having things like roads and a functioning military and science programs are just really not worth paying for… Yes robbed you are! You are being robbed!

These things are not being fully paid for now. To the extent they are paid for, the money largely comes from middle and upper income tax payers. The lower 50% (like me) don’t pay any federal income taxes at all.

My whole point, which you apparently don’t get, is about spin: the absurdity of the mindset which believes that one is somehow being given something by the government (a “windfall”) merely because the government declines to take from him more of what is his in the first place. He isn’t “getting” or being “given” anything.