
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/08/2011 4:09:29 am PST

re: #33 Conservative Moonbat

I’ve got 3/4ths of a philosophy degree and nothing formal in IT at all. I just started hacking around on Apple IIs and C64s and never stopped. I managed to get salaried positions with startups during both web booms but now, zilch.

It doesn’t help that half my experience is on porn sites that I can’t put down on a resume.

Work experience is more important than formal training for jobs. Actually, who you know has always been the most important.

Look, I love academia and have always liked to study, but the reality is that the “academy” is over flowing and frankly too many people just go because they are told they ought to, or they just want more money and think getting letters after their name is the path to gold.

Love knowledge for its own sake.

If you like philosophy by all means follow your heart.

If you want to make money, get connected into the right circles.

As for the Pr0n site experience - just call it “entertainment websites” on resume.