
Ecuador grants Wikileaks founder asylum

Viscous Obama8/16/2012 10:33:38 am PDT

re: #27 Destro

But I always find it odd that out of nowhere he inserted a rant about Zimbabwe - what does that have to do with Assange? Must be deep in his mind to go off topic like that.

Her. Now you’re just being disrespectful on purpose. She is referring to this:

Will Mugabe’s party be torn apart by Wikileaks?

But party insiders say the country’s independence leader, who has been in power for 31 years, was stunned by recent disclosures on the whistle-blowing site Wikileaks that his close allies spoke to US diplomats about his political exit and death.

With elections beckoning, the reality is that a string of his top officials in his Zanu-PF party believe he is now a liability and want him to go before presidential polls slated for next year.

You cannot blame this on the British.