
Watch Live as Deluded Liberals Join Hands With Far Right Loons

Dark_Falcon10/26/2013 3:36:47 pm PDT

re: #348 wrenchwench

A threat of murder is an assault. If someone laid a hand on her (unwanted), that’s battery.

Understood. I was not trying to minimize the conduct of the haters or the harm that they do. I was only trying to reveal that the Onion headline PS posted in #346 may well not end up being a joke. The level of hate felt by some people towards Barack Obama and his health care law is so great that they may well decide to viciously harass or attack anyone they see as associated with it. There’s also the usual issue with men who get a major charge from forcing a woman into submission. This last can be properly described as being the same sort of mentality as that of a rapist.