
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Charles Johnson2/21/2009 10:11:56 am PST

re: #278 Thanos

Contrary evidence: I haven’t been participating because I’ve been surfing the ugly sites. I’m not finding anything that ties Jindal definitely to the David Dukers in N. Louisiana other than peripheral associations like the one Charles mentions above. Some of the fundie “Christian Identity” groups definitely cross circles with the Stormfronters as this post points out, but the the general populace at Stormfront isn’t too fond of Jindal, even though he’s courted that crowd peripherally. (bubba bumpersticker campaign etc.)

I’m not seeing him at Blackhawk rallies or similar events, not finding ties to CofCC. But then I’ve not looked very hard yet.

He’s apparently very connected to the extreme fundamentalist Alliance Defense Fund.