
Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose GOP's Windfall for the Rich

palomino12/03/2010 3:36:20 pm PST

re: #348 NamDoc67

These things are not being fully paid for now. To the extent they are paid for, the money largely comes from middle and upper income tax payers. The lower 50% (like me) don’t pay any federal income taxes at all.

My whole point, which you apparently don’t get, is about spin: the absurdity of the mindset which believes that one is somehow being given something by the government (a “windfall”) merely because the government declines to take from him more of what is his in the first place. He isn’t “getting” or being “given” anything.

What we’re “getting” or being “given” is more govt services and expenditures than we can pay for. We can either raise taxes, cut spending, or do what’s most likely and use a combo of the two. But if spending isn’t cut while tax rates stay low, then yes, we are getting something out of it: more than we’re putting in.