
Super Bowl Sunday Night Open

The Sanity Inspector2/07/2010 8:54:17 pm PST

re: #225 jamesfirecat

Okay then that’s a perfectly reasonable point of view.

As a 21 year old I don’t especially feel the need for social security.

It’s February. May I suggest that, before Christmas, you scrape together $10,000. Extra jobs, garage sale, hitting relatives up for money, whatever. Then put it in an S&P 500 stock index fund, and let it ride for 30 years. Assume an average return over that time of 10%, keeping your head during the highs and lows, and by the time you’re in your early 50s you’ll have a pot of about $170,000, not counting fees & taxes. And that’s just from the ten grand you sock away this year, not counting whatever other savings, investments, and pension you’ll rack up as your career goes along. Assuming we’re not all pulling rickshaws for the Chinese by that time, you won’t miss your Social Security if it’s gone by then. Just something to consider.