

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/07/2010 8:03:25 pm PDT

re: #340 brownbagj

And I will be honest, AGW or no AGW, getting off of oil is in our long term best interest as a sovereign nation.

Absolutely true, and has been for a very long time.

It won’t be easy. There needs to be a transition period, but there needs to be some dedication to it to.

Unfortunately, thanks to the AGW part, we have very limited time for that transition period. And it’s not enough for us to switch away from oil on our own; we have to be able to export the technology to China, which does so much of our manufacturing— and, really, the rest of the world.

We need nuclear energy for stationary objects (houses, cities, businesses) and good portable energy for transportation.

We need whatever works; if thorium reactors prove out, it’s them. But we shouldn’t put our eggs all in one basket, but continue improving all alternative technologies with any merit.

And we need a huge push to do this.

With the GOP currently denying AGW, this is almost certainly not going to happen, and we will be reduced to the ridiculous hope that China will develop good alternative energy.

The GOP: Making the US dependent on the innovation from a communist nation. Irony.