
Facts Not a Stumbling Block for Malkin

Charles Johnson12/16/2009 6:01:24 pm PST

Yep, there goes O’Reilly on his radical anti-abortion kick again, inciting hatred against Planned Parenthood based on the “sting” video produced by Lila Rose, who wants to see abortions performed in the “public square.”

In the “sting” video, you can see a PP doctor telling Lila Rose’s actor that it’s safer to have an abortion at a very early stage than to carry a baby to term.

Unfortunately for these nutjobs, that is a well-documented fact. And there’s nothing at all strange or unethical about a doctor telling this to a patient who came in specifically asking for information about having an abortion. He told her the truth!

The right wing is completely insane about this issue, and they’ll lie and distort without a second thought. And Bill O’Reilly is one of the worst offenders.