
Onion: Worm Alert

albusteve2/09/2010 8:54:36 pm PST

re: #320 keloyd

Yes! Hurt Locker is brilliant. Some review I cannot find got the feedback of real army dudes who did what the guys in the movie did. They said it was as real as any war movie ever (maybe better, maybe even with Das Boot.) They quibbled about only some small technical details like the gun fight and ranges and nit picky things.

It is better than AVatar, and I loved Avatar, though that is like comparing an enormous shiny apple to the most seedless and juiciest orangest orange ever, both served to you by a naked Navi of whatever sex you prefer.

Das Boot was a hell of a movie…I really liked that one…I have not seen Avatar, not at all caught up in the hype