
New Details on Kissinger and Operation Condor

lostlakehiker4/12/2010 12:33:19 pm PDT

re: #13 Dark_Falcon

My concern is mainly for America. In the case of Chile, that meant throwing those people to the wolves. I’m not proud of it, but we did what we had to do. Moral considerations simply don’t enter into it. It was an action based on power politics and I’m defending it only on those grounds.

Moral considerations DO enter into it. But there are heavy weights in the scales on both sides. The rise to power of communism around the world has been attended by mass murder on a scale utterly dwarfing what tinpot south american dictators get up to.

If you’re averting another Killing Fields, then it is scarcely possible to do enough harm that you ought to have just allowed it instead. Other communist regimes were not that insanely evil, but they were all deliberately and systematically evil. Castro included.

Stopping something like that may require harsh measures, including assassinations. Singapore’s president Lee Kuan Yu saved Singapore from a communist takeover but it wasn’t pretty. Greece was kept out of the communist orbit and again it wasn’t pretty. But ugly or not, sometimes fire must be fought with fire.