
Anti-Gay CA Republican: 'I'm Gay'

Mostly sane, most of the time.3/08/2010 1:45:16 pm PST

re: #337 LudwigVanQuixote

The issue is that you not only can not eat chametz, it is that you can not even have chametz in your possession. Chametz is any of seven types of grain that have been allowed to rise. Bread is a great example - and so are the crumbs.

So people go to great lengths to clean their houses before Passover in order to get rid of it. It is the origin of “spring cleaning” for the Christians.

Because giving things a deep and thorough cleaning is in of itself very meditative and requires a great deal of focus, the act of seriously we are not kidding cleaning your home fits very well with religious observance and it is indeed a kind of prayer to do so.

The sages of Israel - i.e. the guys in the Talmud on the one hand encourage this in as much as it makes one more spiritual and on the other discourage taking it to extremes that are even beyond OCD.

Even the sages put limits on how much is too much if only for the practical matter that at some point, you need to be able to start the holiday and focus on the holiday rather than worrying about getting ready for it.

That said, many get very into the cleaning very, very intently.

Would taking apart the keyboad with a jeweler’s screwdriver and giving it a good cleaning count?