
Overnight Open Thread

jcm8/22/2009 6:47:28 am PDT

Obama calls for ‘honest debate’ on health care

President Barack Obama is challenging his critics on a national health care overhaul, accusing them of making “phony claims” about the legislation.

Okay, you first.

FACT CHECK: White House ignores health concession

CLAIM: “I challenge you guys all to go back and see what we’ve said about this over the course of many, many, many, many months, and you’ll find a boring consistency to our rhetoric,” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters.
THE FACTS: During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama said a new public plan should offer comprehensive insurance similar to that available to federal employees.
In the first half of the year, Obama said repeatedly in speeches, weekly radio and Internet addresses and town halls that he wants a health care overhaul that has a taxpayer-funded public health insurance option. He has said the plan would compete with private insurance to keep costs down.