
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Charles Johnson4/29/2009 1:29:18 pm PDT

re: #73 doppelganglander

I think it’s almost impossible for an intelligent lay person to develop an informed opinion about AGW.

It’s difficult, yes, but I really can’t agree that it’s “almost impossible.” There are resources out there — books, websites, etc. — but you have to really dig into the subject matter and learn to recognize when you’re being played for political purposes.

I see far too many conservatives, however, who are simply knee-jerk reacting to the issue without any real knowledge, or with knowledge that comes from highly biased and questionable sources — for example, that kook James Inhofe.

I’ve said this before — I believe that responsible environmentalism should be a core conservative value, but lobbyists and religious fanatics and ignorant kooks like Inhofe and Michele Bachmann are selling too many conservatives a bill of goods.