
The Obligatory iPhone 4 Review

Velvet Elvis8/06/2010 8:49:04 pm PDT

re: #339 avanti

A. They retail for $520, not $1200
B. $500 sneakers and $400 hair cuts are all relative.

They, the Regan’s, and Kennedy’s have millions, so $500.00 sneakers to someone with a millions, is less of a expense than $50 ones if you only make say 100K.
i.e., I’ve seen folks bet $5000 a hand at blackjack at the casino and worry less than I do at $50/hand.

It still doesn’t do wonders when it comes to showing you’re in touch with the working class.

Sorry, I’m normally an Obama apologist, but there’s so excuse for wearing $500 sneakers to the store. If it’s a formal dinner or state function, by all means, go all out, for casual wear there no reason not to keep it inside the realm of what mortals wear.