
Crack in the Far Right World

What, me worry?8/21/2010 8:44:38 pm PDT

re: #340 Nimed

And courts. Ayn Rand was a minarchist. She also believed that there is no such thing as a natural monopoly, and that anti-trust laws should be abolished.

There are even crazier libertarians out there. Anarcho-capitalists believe that the army, police and courts ought to be private, rather then run by a “State monopoly”.

You should check out the vids. Easy to find. There’s one of her and a very young Mike Wallace, probably in the 50s. Mike lights up a ciggy during the interview lol

The Phil Donahue show was interesting. The first 10 minutes or so, she comes across like a cute, hip, little old lady. Then when she starts talking about how we should get rid of special needs education, which was something fairly new in the 70s, the audience started to gasp. How we support handicapped people when they’ll never contribute anything to society anyway, etc. Piece a work, she was.