
Boycott of Arizona Has Cost the State More Than $140M

theheat11/19/2010 12:33:52 pm PST

re: #12 BlarneyStone

Restoration Weekend Confirmed speakers:
Arizona State Senators Russell Pearce and Thayer Verschoor,
John Yoo and Marc Thiessen
Newt Gingrich
Robert Spencer
Pastor John Hagee
Liz Cheney
Michele Bachmann
JPost editor/Netanyahu aide Caroline Glick (wtf?)

So they can “restore” America to whatever it was, I guess.

Sounds like Value Voters Summit Called Something Else Like Restoration Weekend. Socon douchebags getting in one last hurrah before Santa comes.

Whenever they talk about restoring, they’re going into arguments about how the nation would be better off if it was a Christian theocracy, then why homos are the downfall of society, the dangers of liberals, and maybe tailspin out of control about abortion. Whenever the terms Heritage, Heartland, or Restore to [fill in the blank] is used by socons, this is precisely what they are speaking about. They can dress it up and paint it pink, but that’s the gist of it. FWIW, Horowitz is also a nutjob.