
CNN's Dana Loesch Attacks VP Joe Biden for a Typo in a Press Release

Renaissance_Man2/20/2012 6:09:56 pm PST

re: #22 Charles Johnson

I’ve been researching this, and that’s not what I’m reading. For example: Early Ultrasound Results and Miscarriage.

That is indeed what that says, but I’m not too sure about its accuracy. The ACOG (American College of OB/GYN) Best Practice guidelines, which is the definitive statement from the certifying board, states:

‘Scanning in the first trimester may be performed either transabdominally or transvaginally. If a transabdominal examination is not definitive,
a transvaginal scan or transperineal scan should be performed whenever possible.’

I don’t know if there are practices out there that routinely perform first trimester TVUS. I would think it unlikely, mostly because women hate TVUS and nobody’s really interested in having your patients hate you. From personal experience, I’ve worked in 3 or 4 OB clinics and in half a dozen emergency rooms, and done about fifty or so first trimester US, none of which have been TV. There’s never been any reason to do one.