
Happy 2009

BaseballMom571/01/2009 10:16:22 am PST

re: #369 hermit

He will fully recover - they had to intubate him on 12/16 - he stopped breathing after being hospitalized with what the docs thought was congestive heart failure. He was on the ventilator and fully sedated for over a week, then they did a tracheotomy on him. He’s been completely off the vent during the day for three days now (breathing through the trache collar), which is awesome. The cardiologist in Phx said it was NOT CHF, just COPD complicated by extreme sepsis from a pneumonia. His heart is strong although he has hypertension (he’s been on meds for that for years). His current aggravation is the lack of food - he is not physically able to swallow food yet. They do a “swallow test” on him daily. He doesn’t understand his recovery will be in baby steps, not giant leaps and bounds. He does not have the temperment for patience unfortunately, especially when he’s 200 miles from family and home!