
Midday Open Thread

Donna Ballard3/18/2010 12:46:58 pm PDT

re: #349 oaktree

My two cats hunted field crickets (larger and brown compared to the black house crickets). I mainly found a trail of legs eventually leading to the stranded hull that looked like a car left on cinder blocks. Glass spiders and daddy longlegs in the house got the same. Treated them as toys. However,when they caught moths of various sizes they were eaten. I even saw one of them catching and eating moths outdoors as well. Dietary supplement I guess.

The other “toy” insect were large beetles. Japanese beetles and May beetles (aka June bugs) for the most part. One of them saw and chased a large Tiger beetle once, but it got away.

I love it! Cats are such funny creatures. The best toy around here seems to be the plastic ring around the milk or orange juice jug. All three of our furrbies go nuts for them, but Pepper loves spiders and crickets. I won’t let her go after the spiders, I don’t need the vet bill if she gets bitten. Heavens only knows it the one shes playing with is venomous or not.