
Overnight Open Thread

karmic_inquisitor12/19/2009 8:41:05 am PST

re: #359 Jetpilot1101

20 years ago when my wife and I were engaged we went on a weekend retreat that was compulsory for getting married in the Catholic church (at least compulsory in San Diego).

The priest who led the weekend was a 20 year Navy chaplain approaching retirement and was wise to the ways of the world. Before the last session on Sunday night he placed a coffee can near the restrooms and said anyone could place a question in it that he/she may be too embarrassed to ask.

An hour later there was one question in it which he read out:

“Since sexual intercourse among the married is a sacrament, should we pray before or after?”

I almost caught an eye roll from him, but he sighed, then smiled and said:

“Well - at my age I’d pray before. Have a safe drive home.”